The group is no longer active and information on this page is not current and is for reference purposes only.

This is the information page for the WBP Marine Ecosystem Group. The Marine Ecosystem Group activities relate to the following Section 7 priority habitats in Wales: Intertidal boulder communities; Sabellaria alveolata reefs; Seagrass beds; Sheltered muddy gravels; Peat and clay exposures; Estuarine rocky habitats; Tidal swept channels; Fragile sponge & anthozoan communities on subtidal rocky habitats; Carbonate reefs; Subtidal sands and gravels; Subtidal mixed muddy sediments; Mud habitats in deep water; Musculus discors beds; Blue mussel beds; Horse mussel beds; Maerl beds; Saline Lagoons; Intertidal Mudflats

The area of Welsh sea around its coasts is equal in area to that of its land, and supports a large diversity of species and habitats. Habitats include subtidal, intertidal, rocky shore, eel grass beds and maerl habitats each supporting a distinctive fauna.


The WBP Marine Group is currently identifying a work plan and strategy for marine conservation in Wales.

The Marine Group draws its membership from a range of statutory, local authority and wildlife charities and is chaired by Gill Bell, Marine Conservation Society.

Do you have a question relating to the work of this group? contact us

Species in Wales

Amphibians & Reptiles



Terrestrial Mammals



Helping Wildlife

Wildlife Gardening