The group is no longer active and information on this page is not current and is for reference purposes only.
This is the information page for the WBP Freshwater Ecosystem Group. The Freshwater Ecosystem Group activities relate to the following Section 7 priority habitats in Wales: Eutrophic Standing Waters; Mesotropic Lakes; Oligotrophic and Dystrophic Lakes; Ponds; Aquifer-fed Naturally Fluctuating Water Bodies; Rivers
Wales has high quality riverine habitats supporting salmon, otter and a rich invertebrate assemblages. There is also a distinctive plant community adapted to acid, low-nutrient conditions in the headwaters. Lakes, fens and reedbeds are important freshwater habitats in Wales due to their diversity and habitat quality.
The WBP Freshwater Group is currently identifying priority areas for targeted conservation effort in Wales.The Group has made progress with the Lake BAP priority areas and has produced an overview titled 'Lake BAP Priority Areas in Wales - a strategic overview"
The Freshwater Group draws its membership from a range of statutory, local authority and wildlife charities and is currently chaired by Tristan Hatton-Ellis, Natural Resources Wales.
Do you have a question relating to the work of this group? contact us