All nature does for us…communicating values and incentivising action
Professor Julia Jones, Bangor University
Day 1 Presentation
Restoring the balance
Duncan Sinclair, Powys Moorland Partnership
Day 1 Presentation
Do arable weeds matter? Cath Shellswell, Plantlife
Day 1 Presentation
A Celebration of LIFE – the EU’s programme supporting environmental and nature conservation projects.
Catherine Duigan Natural Resources Wales
Day 2 Presentation
Measuring the Health and Wellbeing Impacts of Environmental Programmes using Health Impact Assessment: Case Studies from Wales
Nerys Edmonds, Public Health Wales
Day 2 Presentation
Geodiversity of the Brecon Beacons – why it matters
Alan Bowring, Brecon Beacons National Park Authority
Day 2 Presentation
Learning for Life – the role of outdoor learning in wellbeing
Tim Orrell, Swansea Council
Bee Friendly
Day 1 Presentation
Ministerial address
Minister for Environment, Hannah Blythyn AM
Day 1 Presentation
Landscape-scale conservation: Using the past to inform the future
Dr Kevin Watts, Forestry Research
Day 1 Presentation
B-Lines – a Wales wide network Matt Shardlow, Buglife
Day 2 Presentation
Keynote address
The Environment for Future Generations
Jacob Ellis, Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
Day 2 Presentation
Actif Wood Wales – Improving health and wellbeing, developing confidence and learning woodland skills
Amie Andrews and Maggie Elsey-Cox, Small Woods
Day 2 Presentation
Restoring native broadleaves and biodiversity on a Planted Ancient Woodland Site – a steep eighteen-year learning curve!
Sue Price, Ruperra Conservation Trust
Day 1 Presentation
Welsh Government Policy Update
Peter McDonald, Welsh Government
Day 1 Presentation
Living Seas Wales: Showcasing Wales’ Marine Wildlife
Laura Evans and Beverley Phillips, The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales
Day 1 Presentation
A Butterfly Indicator for Wales Russel Hobson, Butterfly Conservation
Day 2 Presentation
The Nature of Health
Malcolm Ward, Public Health Wales
Day 2 Presentation
Environmental community youth engagement in the 21st Century Francis Curran
Day 2 Presentation
The Long Forest Project Shane Hughes, Keep Wales Tidy